The start of Ramadan in 1418 is on Mọnde, Maachị 28

Ramadan, also known as Ramazan or Ramadhan, is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and holds immense significance for Muslims worldwide. During this sacred month, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset, engaging in spiritual reflection, prayer, and acts of kindness.

The start of Ramadan in 1418 is anticipated to be on Mọnde, Maachị 28. However, please note that the exact date may vary based on moon sightings and local religious authorities.

Observing Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and it commemorates the month in which the Quran, the holy book of Islam, was revealed to Prophet Muhammad.

During Ramadan, Muslims partake in Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) and Iftar (meal to break the fast at sunset). The month encourages self-discipline, spiritual growth, and empathy towards those less fortunate.

As the start of Ramadan approaches, communities come together for prayers, nightly Tarawih prayers, and charitable activities. It is a time of reflection, gratitude, and increased devotion to Allah.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information on the start date of Ramadan in 1418, please consult with your local mosque or Islamic authority.

Ndị ọzọ Ụdị
1419 Satọdee, Maachị 18
1420 Wenezdee, Maachị 7
1421 Mbọsị Ụka, Febrụwarị 24
1422 Fraịdee, Febrụwarị 14
1423 Tiuzdee, Febrụwarị 2
1424 Satọdee, Jenụwarị 22
1425 Tọọzdee, Jenụwarị 12
1426 Mọnde, Jenụwarị 1
1427 Satọdee, Disemba 21
1428 Wenezdee, Disemba 10
1429 Mbọsị Ụka, Novemba 29
1430 Fraịdee, Novemba 19
1431 Tiuzdee, Novemba 7
1432 Satọdee, Ọktoba 27
1433 Tọọzdee, Ọktoba 17
1434 Mọnde, Ọktoba 6
1435 Fraịdee, Septemba 24
1436 Wenezdee, Septemba 14
1437 Mbọsị Ụka, Septemba 3
1438 Fraịdee, Ọgọọst 24
1439 Tiuzdee, Ọgọọst 12
1440 Satọdee, Ọgọọst 1
1441 Tọọzdee, Julaị 22
1442 Mọnde, Julaị 11
1443 Fraịdee, Juun 29
Ndị ọchịchị Ụdị
1417 Tọọzdee, Eprel 9
1416 Mbọsị Ụka, Eprel 20
1415 Tiuzdee, Eprel 30
1414 Fraịdee, Mee 11
1413 Mbọsị Ụka, Mee 22
1412 Wenezdee, Juun 2
1411 Satọdee, Juun 13
1410 Mọnde, Juun 23
1409 Tọọzdee, Julaị 5
1408 Mbọsị Ụka, Julaị 16
1407 Tiuzdee, Julaị 26
1406 Fraịdee, Ọgọọst 6
1405 Mbọsị Ụka, Ọgọọst 17
1404 Wenezdee, Ọgọọst 28
1403 Satọdee, Septemba 8
1402 Mọnde, Septemba 18
1401 Tọọzdee, Septemba 30
1400 Mbọsị Ụka, Ọktoba 11
1399 Tiuzdee, Ọktoba 21
1398 Fraịdee, Novemba 1
1397 Mọnde, Novemba 13
1396 Wenezdee, Novemba 23
1395 Satọdee, Disemba 4
1394 Mọnde, Disemba 14
1393 Tọọzdee, Disemba 26